Tillverkare | MAREL/STORK |
Modell | Stork NTech HD |
År | 2007 |
Process overview
The proposed system has a slaughter capacity of approximately 7000-9000 broilers per h.
Live birds are received in the arrival zone and manually hang on the overhead conveyor. From there
bird is automatically taken to the electrical high frequency stunner and cut, next goes through
bleeding chute, scalder and plucker. The end of the killing line includes head puller, hock cutter and
hooks washer.
From the killing area the bird is transported to the evisceration area where he runs through following
processing machines; ventcutter, opener, eviscerator, in/out washer, final inspection, cropper, neck
breaker. Intestines are automatically hangout and processed manually on inspection table.
After the evisceration area the birds must be cool down. We are offering complete 1100 m air chilling
line with all shackles, trolleys, drive etc.
For the chicken cut up and deboning we are offering newest cut-up line with all
HY modules. All kind of cuts can be performed on the line depending on the specification and current
production requirements.
Scope of delivery
Complete refurbished STORK chicken slaughterhouse with capacity 7000 - 9000 BPH. Year of
manufacture 2007
Section 1 - Killing area
Electric stunner
Control cabinet for the stunner
Throat cutter
Bleeding chute
Water scalder
3 pneumatic pluckers 6 shaft each
Head puller
Leg cutter
Leg unloader
Shackle washer
New galvanized chain – 120 m
SS trolleys – ca 780 pcs
SS shackles – 780 pcs
SS inner shackles – 780 pcs
Inner chain – ca 120 m
Pipe truck SS – ca 100 m
SS corners – 12 pcs
SS tensioner
Drive motors – 3 pcs
SS construction – complete
Control cabinet
Stork NTech HD ( upto 3 kg ). 7000 bph capacity
- automatic transfer system TRDE
- ventcutter/opener VOC 20
- evisceration NUTECH NOUVA 20
- neck cracker NT 16
- neck skin inspection machine NIC NT20V
- in/out washer RWNT 16
- intestin/gall bladder remover PGI NOUVA
- liver harvester PLH NOUVA
- drum washer
- gizzard cutter PEC
- intenstin pack unloader
- heart/lung separator
- shackle washer
- inspection station
- plucker
- track, chain, trolleys