2013 MEYN CD 8000


Warsaw, Poland


ModelCD 8000
Stock Number00016


Giblet harvesting is an essential part of

Meyn’s evisceration program. A complete

range of solutions is available, from manual

to fully automatic, suiting different

applications and every market requirement.

  • Used Meyn Gizzard Harvester CD-8000 to process up to 8000 gizzards per hour;
  • Separates the gizzard from the pre-stomach of a processed bird, cuts and cleans the gizzard and finally peels the inside of the gizzard to remove the inner skin;
  • If necessary the gizzards can be checked on a gizzard checking table and finish peeled by hand.


Gizzard Harvester type: CD-8000

capacity: 8000 gizzards per hour

machine length: 3100 m

mmachine width: 840 mm

machine height: 850 - 1750 mm

weight: +- 450 kg