
Warschau, Polen



ModellRehanger 122 - 21 STE 16 - 10 6“/6”


Key features and benefits:

• High speed up to 13,500 bph

• Models available to transfer from evisceration line to air

chilling line and from air chilling line to weighing line

• Can transfer between lines with different shackle spacing

(e.g. 8” to 6”, etc.)

• Instantaneous and automatic bypass in the event of a

stoppage on either line

• No bird injuries

• Optional spring lifters

This machine is designed to release the birds from an evisceration, air

chilling or weighing line and automatically transfer them to another line

thus eliminating the arduous and costly labour of re-hanging the wet

and/or cold birds manually.

Transferring the birds automatically can virtually eliminate the risk of

cross contamination from re-hanging conveyor or human contact.

Materials of construction

Stainless steel, aluminium and food-approved nylon.